When all that glitters isn't necessarily gold.by Michele CapecchiEvery week, at least one client contacts my legal firm to help them achieve their “Italian dream” of buying real estate here. Many people ask about the “one-euro homes” and whether Italy is really selling property that...

How to request and obtain the Self-Employment Visa and move to Italy in a few months

By Avv. Michele Capecchi, LL.M.

While we are all struggling with the consequence of COVID, and the uncertainty that this situation has caused to our lives, our law firm keeps on receiving countless requests from people who want to move their life (and business) to ITALY, as soon as possible. 

Keep in mind that, while traveling to Italy is still restricted by the current COVID regulations, it is definitely possible to enter for WORK REASONS.

It is, therefore, possible to obtain a work visa from our Italian Consulates.

This article will cover some of the key points of the procedure, for a non-EU citizen, to bring and start a new business in Italy

Investing in Real Estate Italian Markets without unpleasant surprises

By Avv. Michele Capecchi, LL.M.A little villa in the countryside? An apartment in the city? A charming house in a medieval town? The real estate ads are irresistible. However, your dream of a home in Italy can quickly become a legal nightmare. Buying a property in Italy is something that no one should attempt without proper legal support. As this Q&A explains, even before making an offer or signing a contract you should have a legal advisor who can help determine your eligibility and protect you through the process.

A getting-started guide for foreign investorsBy Avv. Michele Capecchi, LL.M.Can I do business in Italy from the U.S.? Can I sell my products in Italy? Should I set up a company in Italy? What type of company best suits my needs? Do I get a...

By Avv. Michele Capecchi, LL.M.On May 11, 2016, the Italian Parliament approved a law recognizing the civil unions of same-sex partners and specific rights to partners, regardless of their sexuality, who “live as a couple in a stable relationship” (known as De Facto Relationships, unioni di...

The Divorce Law after the "fast track" divorce reform of April 2015 and the Collaborative Divorce Procedure of 2014By Avv. Michele Capecchi, LL.M.In this article, The Florentine’s legal columnist and international lawyer Michele Capecchi addresses many of the issues raised at the Round Table on Violence...

By Avv. Michele Capecchi, LL.M.In Italy, to get divorced (and therefore to be able to remarry) the couple must first be legally separated for at least 6 months, which involves a judge’s decision that formally states that the two persons, can live apart. “De facto...

International divorce law explainedBy Avv. Michele Capecchi, LL.M.Statistics show that in Europe-and Italy, in particular-marriages between people of different nationalities are increasing. Accordingly, the number of international separations and divorces is also increasing. As you can imagine, this is not the happiest aspect of law...

Know your rights after a ruined holidayBy Avv. Michele Capecchi, LL.M.When summer ends the number of claims for damages caused by contractual breaches of tour operators and travel agents increases dramatically. These situations are referred to as “damages for ruined holidays”. Have you ever had a bad...